ATTITUDE Living Reforestation Initiative Earth Day

Earth Month | ATTITUDE planted a million tree... and that's just a start!

The great forests of Earth are often referred to as lungs: If only we knew how fair this comparison is, we would probably pay much more attention to our green friends. Without them, we would have neither healthy oxygen to breathe nor dietary diversity. In short; without them we would not exist. This is why we are so happy to report that in the past year we have successfully planted over a million trees - all thanks to you!

ATTITUDE Living reforestation program

As you may know, we initiated a reforestation program in April 2020, in partnership with two non-profit organizations, Eden Reforestation Projects and One Tree Planted. Since the beginning of this initiative, we have planted a tree in areas affected by forest fires or clearcuts every time we sell a product.

It is therefore with the help of your conscious purchases that we have succeeded in reaching our goal of one million trees planted in one year ... and we do not intend to stop there! 

ATTITUDE Living Reforestation initiative Earth Month

Six of the best reasons to plant a million trees

1. This amount of trees absorbs about 24,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year.

At too high levels, carbon dioxide, or CO2, collects in the atmosphere and causes a warming effect, which can lead to climate change.

2. All of these trees provide enough oxygen to about 2 million people.

By filtering CO2, trees produce oxygen from the chlorophyll in their leaves and the water drawn by their roots.

 3. Forests are vital habitats for animals.

Trees not only provide habitats for animals, but forests are home to up to 80% of the Earth's biodiversity - the plants, fungi and bacteria that are essential for human survival.

 4. Trees provide healthy food and jobs to communities.

Of course, trees provide fruits and nuts, but reforestation initiatives also provide jobs for people from often underprivileged villages, ensuring them a better quality of life.

 5. It’s one of the best ways to cool the planet.

Trees act as natural air conditioners: compared to heat islands created by the presence of concrete and asphalt, the islands of freshness created by trees can sometimes be 20 degrees cooler (temperature taken from the surface of wooded areas)!

 6. Trees make us happier.

It is proven that phytoncides released by trees have the ability to make us happier. To find out more about the subject, read this article!

ATTITUDE Living Eden reforestation projects one tree planted

The four Rs of sustainable development 

At ATTITUDE, we know that planting trees is great ... but that designing products that are part of an eco-responsible lifestyle should also go without saying. This is why we have a global vision of sustainable development comprising four main axes: reduce, reuse, recycle and reforest. 

Reduce our use of new materials and single-use plastics by using innovative and eco-responsible packaging, such as our deodorants and sunscreen sticks in revolutionary biodegradable packaging.

Reuse and refill our plastic bottles, which anyone can now do from the comfort of their own home thanks to our BULK to go eco-refills.

Recycle all of our HDPE # 2 plastic bottles - engineered with the easiest plastic to process in order to maximize our respect for the environment while minimizing our manufacturing waste. 

Reforestation takes the circular economy to a whole new level, not only reducing our impact on the planet, but helping to regenerate it and actively participate in its recovery through our reforestation initiatives as explained above.

ATTITUDE Like to plant a tree

Like To Plant A Tree Campaign 

In honor of Earth Month, ATTITUDE is launching a social media campaign inviting its Instagram community to join them in planting EVEN MORE trees. The Like To Plant A Tree campaign will run from April 19 to April 25, 2021.

  • Here's how to contribute:
  • Visit our Instagram page: @ATTITUDE_living
  • Like our "Like to plant a tree" Instagram post
  • Identify your favorite friends and celebrities, influencers, businesses and brands to increase your overall impact and help us plant more trees!

Through this initiative, we want to set an example and generate a wind of change towards a more sustainable way of life and raise awareness among people about the multiple benefits arising from planting trees ... which we hope to have succeeded in doing in this article!

Please feel free to share our campaign or blog post with all your loved ones who could benefit from learning more about the subject and help us plant as many trees as possible!

Together, we can be the change.

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